An Adaptable Entrepreneur is a Successful Entrepreneur

You know being adaptable makes you more likely to succeed. But what are you doing to actually work on being so?

Adaptability isn’t a one-time thing. And that makes sense, doesn’t it? If it were one-time, you wouldn’t have to be adaptable 🙂

The world is always changing and you have to be willing and able to change with it or your time is limited.

Companies that didn’t adapt: Blockbuster, MySpace, AOL, Commodore, Sears, Radio Shack. The list goes on and on.

Companies that did adapt: Levi’s, Amazon, Netflix, National Geographic, Apple, Microsoft.

Adapting isn’t a one-time thing, though.

You have to continually work at it.

Working in an area you truly enjoy and are good at makes it easier to adapt. Your curiosity makes you want to keep learning more. You naturally want to find better ways of doing things.

When you don’t have that passion, though, adapting is difficult and overwhelming. It’s hard to sustain the energy required when your heart isn’t in it.

If you’re having a hard time adapting, take a good look at what you’re doing. Be honest about what you’re good at, what you like, and what you dislike.

That doesn’t mean you may not need help from experts who can help you achieve your goals. But you’ll be working towards building something you’re not dreading every day.

You have the potential to change your life if you’re willing to change your thinking.