First of all… every time I say “Jason Croft” I think of “Jason Bourne” lol. But Croft’s hair is much better.

Now back to this great advice from Jason Croft about using video to attract your perfect clients:

“The one thing to do that I always tell people, and I know you don’t want to do it – too bad for you, do this: listen to it back. Watch it back.

I’m telling you, like, it is the greatest teacher in the world and what it will do, it’s not just for the on camera stuff.

It makes you a better communicator in real life. Right? You listen to your things.

I can’t tell you how many times I sat there screaming at myself watching these things back. Especially, I mean I still do it but especially back in Startup Dallas, the first show I did, I was just like, finish a sentence, man, what are you doing?

I’d start a question, then go here and then I’d go here, and then I was like, what is happening?”

Catch the full episode!